What is Edcamp?
Based on my understand, Edcamp is both an organization based in the States, and an approach. The idea is that users/attendees/participants can flesh out a conference, rather than receive teachings from experts or consultants.
I think it’s interesting to note that (according to the map on the website, anyway) there are official Edcamps in Tunisia, Bahrain, and Armenia, and of course a ton in the States, but only a couple in Canada – in the grand cities of Winnipeg and Quebec City.

Map of Edtech conferences coming up. Screenshot from https://www.edcamp.org/
Experiential learning in class
We demo’d this in class today.
What went well:
- Talked to people I don’t usually talk to
- Got to discuss an idea (potential benefits of hands-on activities for students to keep their hands busy while they listen in class) in a casual, but valuable way
- Was nice not to feel overly managed by a teacher
What I would do differently:
- Let people “pitch” their workshops to make the subject more clear
Could you do this in a high school classroom?
Make your own Edtech conference
Here are the steps for making your own Edtech conference happen in a classroom (with some elaboration from my own facilitation brain):
- Introduce the concept. Explain scope, timing, expectations, how this will go.
- Invite ideas for workshops. Have folks write ideas on large stickies or bright coloured pieces of paper. These should be workshops that people can either lead or start a conversation around. *This might be good to let people think about in advance.
- Sort ideas into time blocks. Will you have two workshops per time block? Three? Four?
- Let folks “pitch” their workshops. This way, attendees will know what to expect.
- Go! People facilitate and attend workshops according to the schedule.
Optional add-ons:
- Include a requirement for when the group comes back. e.g. 3 main takeaways, a sentence that summarizes the conversation, a new question, etc.
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