Tag: classroom

Games in the classroom & some happy memories

Screenshot from https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/bonsai-biomes

Intro to Minecraft

Two weeks ago, students from Colquitz Middle School helped our cohort explore the world of Minecraft, a new world for most of us. A friend recently described it as “legos, but digital”, and I think that captures the aesthetic. My favourite times playing were when everyone shouted out to each other, to ask questions, or joke with each other, or to express our excitement or alarm about something happening. The room had never been so happily noisy. The experience made me think about my own experience with games.

I actually love games

Although I don’t think of myself as a gamer, I have actually loved video and computer games. During my undergrad, I fell hard for the Sims, and spent blissful early mornings playing, before I had to walk to class. With my brothers, I played Age of Empires on the family desktop, and of course the classic console games of Mario Kart and Duck Hunt. My dad bought me King’s Quest, which I adored, and together we explored the world of Myst.  I remember going to friends’ houses to play computer games that I now can’t remember… there was one where you landed planes on different coloured runways in space.

Benefits to games

Weeks ago, I watched this TED talk by Jane McGonigal – The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life.

She describes a specific mental health app called Super Better, but she also talks about the incredible benefits of games, and in particular their unique abilities to light us up with happiness – the very thing I felt in our class when we played Minecraft together.

Games in the Classroom

I don’t plan to make Minecraft a part of my classrooms right now – the required infrastructure alone is more than I am willing to take on. But I am definitely intrigued to include games in some form in my classroom. Again, I am sent down memory lane, now recalling my own positive experiences with games.

In fourth grade, my teacher Mr. Chin incorporated games in a way that he truly seemed to enjoy, and it was infectious. We played  the classic game Frogger on bulky computers (during breaks? as a reward? I can’t remember), laughing at each other’s efforts to cross the river. We also played Oregon Trail, using one computer. Mr. Chin created teams in which each member was given a specific role. As a team, we had to roll the dice and make decisions to survive. Would we use our money to buy a space wagon wheel, or to stock up on medicine? Again, the effect was noisy, happy, collaborative fun. We were valued both for our individual contributions, and for our ability to make decisions as a team.

As an English language teacher, I definitely saw the class energy zoom up when we played games of any kind, and people’s concerns about being wrong go down.

Going forward, I would like to look for opportunities to insert games, or to gamify activities.

One project down

Completed chakra hearts felt project in my living room

This is a short post to showcase my first finished felting project.

Final work

It did take a bit of a push to finish.

Once the seven hearts were felted, I did a little editing on them, adding a few fibre strands, needling some loose areas, and trimming some stray bits. I couldn’t find clear fishing line, which I usually have in my crafting boxes, so instead I used embroidery thread and an embroidery needly to stitch together the hearts.

I made the mistake of going up through the bottoms of the hearts, and had to do a little needling to get things back into shape. The piece of driftwood I already had. I used some necklace line and a pushpin to hang the driftwood.

Now I am happy to have the project hanging in my living room, next to my work desk.


The project had two tricky parts – getting started, even once I had my materials, because I didn’t know how long it would take to learn, and finishing. Other than that, it was really enjoyable, portable, and addictive.

My inquiry question #3 was about using felting in the art classroom, and I think these are useful reflections to weave in. I think it might be important to support students in pushing through initial resistance, and in helping them to complete.

As for this particular project as a classroom option, I will have to think more. One the one hand, it’s a great first project, because it’s straightforward. On the other hand, it doesn’t involve much “voice” and “choice”. There were worksheets regarding each chakra and colour significance, which I haven’t blogged about, and I do think that those could be woven into a classroom for therapeutic value.

Going forward

As I mentioned in my last post, I feel like I am at a fork in the road: I can continue playing around with my leftover felting materials, or I can start doing some research into felt practices over time in this region. I think I will play around a bit more, which is both exciting and intimidating. Stay tuned.